On April 20, 2019 at the Cathedral of the “Our Mother of Perpetual Help” in Nur-Sultan, a meeting was held between the ordinaries of the Archdiocese of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the head of the Metropolitan district of Kazakhstan, Metropolitan Alexander of Astana and Kazakhstan.
The reason for the meeting was the important events of the liturgical year, which the faithful of the Christian Churches are currently going through. The Russian Orthodox Church will celebrate Palm Sunday (the Entry of the Jesus into Jerusalem) on April 21. And the faithful of the Roman Catholic Church this night will experience the solemn Liturgy of the Resurrection of Christ – Easter of the Lord.
The faithful of the Orthodox Church will experience this year the joy of Easter one week later, on April 28.

During the fraternal meeting, in a friendly atmosphere, such current issues as, for example, the issue of amending the name of the Catholic Archdiocese in connection with the change of the name of the capital were discussed. Metropolitan Alexander presented the Catholic ordinaries with an icon called “The Great Hierarch”.
The tragic fire in the Paris Notre Dame Cathedral was discussed. Metropolitan Alexander expressed solidarity with his brothers and sisters, for whom this news during Holy Week was shocking. It was hoped that by joint efforts it would be possible to restore the Cathedral.
Metropolitan Alexander wished the seminarians of the Interdiocesan High Theological Seminary “Mary – Mother of the Church” faithfulness in the mission, giving themselves to this way with Jesus to the end and entirely.
After meeting with the ordinaries of the Archdiocese of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Metropolitan Alexander went to the Vatican Embassy to meet with the Apostolic Nuncio in Kazakhstan – Archbishop Francis Assisi Chullikatt.

On the eve of Easter night, Metropolitan Alexander wished all the faithful of the Catholic Church in Kazakhstan a blessed time with Christ the Risen, our Lord and Savior, so that this Truth about the resurrection of Christ will allow us to bear witness to Him with our lives!
Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!
The report on the results of the meeting prepared by:
student Sudak Sergey